
To use string first of all you have to add this header #include <string>

Declaring and Initializing a String

It is very easy to declare a string. You can create a string variable nammed as MyString by typing string MyString ;

You can declare several string togather in a line. You can also initialize a string using string MyString = "Hello World!" . You can also do that later in your code.

You can take a string from the user using cin >> MySting ; which only takes the string up to a space

If you want to get a full line including spaces use this instead getline( cin , MyString ) ;

Basic Sting Operations

Lets say you have two strings string a = "Hello " , b = "World" ; You can add string b after string a using a = a + b after this opatertion the value of a will be “Hello World”. That is how you can concatenate two strings.

You can delete last charecter on a sting using MyString.pop_back()

As you know string is an array of charecters so you can access any index (0 to length-1) and change that in constant time. e.g: MyString[0] = 'h' ;

You can print a string using cout << MyString << endl ;

You can check the equality of two strings using strA == strB and inequality using strA != strB . You can also check which string is lexicographically greater using strA > strB vice versa.

String Functions :

Function Work of the function
MyString.size() Returns The size of the string
str1.swap(str2) Swaps the value of str1 and str2
MyString.insert(x,s) Inserts s in the xth index of MyString
MySrting.find(s) Returns initial index of first occurrence of the s in MyString else returns -1
MySrting.rfind(s) Returns initial index of last occurrence of the s in MyString else returns -1
MyString.replace(i,j,s) Replaces j characters from ith index of MyString with new string s
stoi(MyString) Returns the integer converted form of MyString
MyString.substr(i,k) Returns a substing of length k from ith index of MyString
MyString.erase(i) Erases every element from ith index to the end of MyString
MyString.clear() Erases every element in MyStirng
MyString.empty() Returns True if MyString is empty else return false